
The Lookout Tower: Dune (2020) First Trailer Discussion On The Fort!

We’ve started trailer discussions over The Fort!

Join Producer/Host, Christian Villarreal, and myself on a new segment called “The Lookout Tower”, our first topic being Dune (2020)’s first trailer. We weren’t too familiar with the Dune series as a whole so enjoy us rambling.

The Fortress of Dorkness Press Release

Check out the press release for 'The Fortress of Dorkness'! We're so happy to finally get this going. We're now nearly a month into it, and we're already in Production for month two, Pre-Pro for month three, and post for month one!  We love the feedback we're receiving for the project, so please keep watching and we hope to keep entertaining you!

And remember, Never Fear The Dork Up Here!

Fortress of Dorkness Ep 04 Coming To Terms - Film Cuts

Episode 04 - Coming To Terms Film Cuts Today we're easing (or increasing) your confusion regarding the various types of film cuts available to lé vous! Have you wondered how many more ways they could cut Blade Runner (can I get an amen)? How about ordering some 'Batman & Robin'...hold the nipples.

Our new episode helps the viewer differentiate between the variety of cuts in film! It's a fun episode for the movie buff out there, so have fun! Alfred Pennyworth features too. 

Fortress of Dorkness Ep 02 Hidden Treasures - The Goonies

Episode 02 - Hidden Treasures The Goonies We go over 19 easter eggs scattered throughout The Goonies! What's the One-Eyed Willie Connection? Was there a Gremlin in the works? And what lovable, huggable, and cuddlable wardrobe malfunction have we discovered today? Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr:

Enjoy the second episode of The Fort, this one is about hidden treasures scattered throughout the film, The Goonies!

The Fortress of Dorkness

I've been off the grid for a few months. I absolutely have. Today I get to happily explain why.

Welcome to The Fortress of Dorkness, the nerdy nexus for all your geeky needs!

Creator and Exec. Producer Christian Villarreal, Producer Ryan Burke, and of course Lead Writer and Director myself, have been working together to create 'The Fortress of Dorkness', a weekly resource channel for trivia, general knowledge, and analysis of everything in the world of geek.

I'm proud to say that we launched today. It has been a collaboration between Christian, Ryan, and me. The show is hosted by Christian and Beth Damiano.

Music is composed by Markus Zierhofer (http://markus-zierhofer.com, with animation by Mario Planta. Logo and graphics were provided by Matt Villarreal.

Since The Fort is a continuing project, you'll see frequent videos, posts, and updates about it right here on my website between my other work. I might even throw in some behind the scenes goodies for you guys. So I hope you guys enjoy the channel, please follow us, like and subscribe to our social media (linked below) and link the bard says; Never Fear The Dork Up Here!

YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr