Enjoy the interview Christian Villarreal and I did for Filmmatic after our TV pilot “A Matter of Time” won their TV Pilot Awards Season 6!
christian villarreal
The Lookout Tower: Dune (2020) First Trailer Discussion On The Fort!
We’ve started trailer discussions over The Fort!
Join Producer/Host, Christian Villarreal, and myself on a new segment called “The Lookout Tower”, our first topic being Dune (2020)’s first trailer. We weren’t too familiar with the Dune series as a whole so enjoy us rambling.
The Fortress of Dorkness 1000 Subs Live Stream!
Check out the live stream with Producer/ Host Christian Villarreal and myself on our channel, The Fortress of Dorkness!
We had some technical and audio issues, but we promise they’ll be dealt with next time, we apologize for the problems.
The Fortress of Dorkness Press Release
Check out the press release for 'The Fortress of Dorkness'! We're so happy to finally get this going. We're now nearly a month into it, and we're already in Production for month two, Pre-Pro for month three, and post for month one! We love the feedback we're receiving for the project, so please keep watching and we hope to keep entertaining you!
And remember, Never Fear The Dork Up Here!
Fortress of Dorkness Ep 05 Primers - Zebediah Killgrave: The Purple Man
Episode 05 - Primers Zebediah Killgrave: The Purple Man Today we're just going to throw some comics out at you to help you get to know Marvel Comics' Purple Man a little better! This isn't a reading order or character history, those come later. Who dared face the devil of Hell's Dinette?
I'm really loving the Marvel Cinematic Universe flicks, and with the launch of the Netflix show, Jessica Jones based on the amazing Alias (seriously, pick that one up), we made a video about the villain of the series, Zebediah Killgrave aka The Purple Man. Enjoy!
Fortress of Dorkness Ep 03 Beyond The Big Two - Saga
Episode 03 - Beyond The Big two Image Comics' Saga Today we're introducing our lovely viewers to Saga from Image Comics! *Gasp!* Is it possible superhero-less comics exist?! Do cats lie?! Do seals talk?! Please watch on. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fortressofdo... Twitter: https://twitter.com/FortofDork Instagram: https://instagram.com/fortressofdorkn...
We're getting a lot of great feedback on this one, so please check out the video we did for a comic I absolutely adore, and which I love introducing people to; Image Comics' Saga!
Fortress of Dorkness Ep 02 Hidden Treasures - The Goonies
Episode 02 - Hidden Treasures The Goonies We go over 19 easter eggs scattered throughout The Goonies! What's the One-Eyed Willie Connection? Was there a Gremlin in the works? And what lovable, huggable, and cuddlable wardrobe malfunction have we discovered today? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fortressofdorkness Twitter: https://twitter.com/FortofDork Instagram: https://instagram.com/fortressofdorkness/ Tumblr: http://fortressofdorkness.tumblr.com
Enjoy the second episode of The Fort, this one is about hidden treasures scattered throughout the film, The Goonies!
Fortress of Dorkness Ep 01 Reading Orders - The Kree-Skrull War
Episode 01 - Reading Orders Marvel's The Kree-Skull War The handy-dandy guide to getting through Marvel's epic of galactic warfare "The Kree-Skrull War"! Learn about Captain Mar-Vell, The Innards of Vision, and who is that mysterious green knock off Space-Ultron in issue 1?
And Here is Episode 01 of The Fortress of Dorkness for all ya'all to enjoy! Episode 01 covers the best way to read Marvel Comics' The Kree-Skrull War, an amazing story line about the Avengers from Marvel's Silver Age!